How to choose a cosmetic dentistry training with reputable academy?

With reports stating that ‘estimates for the non-surgical market suggest it could be worth in excess of £3bn within the next 5 years’, the aesthetics industry is booming and a significant proportion of these non-surgical procedures are cosmetic dentistry treatments, carried out in dental clinics.

Although the idea of visiting the dentist may have instilled fear and trepidation historically, today most understand the importance of complying with regular check-ups to maintain oral health. But what about the more modern development of cosmetic dentistry and the use of injectables to augment and enhance the smile? Is this something you’ve thought about offering alongside your usual practice?

Therapeutic application

There are many widely-recognised therapeutic applications of Botulinum toxin in dentistry including functional issues such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, bruxism (teeth grinding), migraine, and hyperhidrosis. Treatment for cosmetic purposes includes reduction of the gummy smile, jawline slimming (treatment of masseteric hypertrophy) and the use of dermal fillers to improve the appearance of lower facial lines and wrinkles.


The General Dental Council (GDC) set the professional standards for the dental industry in the UK. Following a Scope of Practice consultation in 2008, they stated that the ‘provision of non-surgical cosmetic procedures such as Botox® and dermal fillers, away from the perioral area, does not constitute the practice of dentistry’.

It should be noted however, that this doesn’t restrict you from carrying out these procedures as a dentist. A number of bodies such as GDPUK have since voiced concern over the practical implementation of the GDC’s position and the issue is heavily debated around the world, with many regulators struggling to decide a clear course of action to move forward with.

Holistic treatment plans

Despite the somewhat unclear guidance in this area, scores of dentists are training in and offering non-surgical injectables and other aesthetic treatments to their patients. The use of cosmetic injectables in this context can allow for the delivery of holistic treatment plans which encompass restoration and maintenance of the dentition and periodontium as well as enhancement of the surrounding soft tissues. This supports optimal treatment outcomes in the art of smile design, including rates of patient satisfaction.

Practicing dentists are experienced, medically trained, and already established in a clinical environment. This makes them perfectly placed to safely and competently offer non-surgical injectables to their patients once sufficiently trained and insured.

What do dentists say?

We asked Dr Zainab BDS MFDS RCSEd MJDF RCSEng, Aesthetic Dentist and Director of Harrow on the Hill Dental and Implant Practice, why she pursued aesthetic dentistry, and what advantages it brings to her practice.

“I pursued aesthetic dentistry to satisfy my love for beauty, sculpting, and detail and because of the immensely rewarding emotional impact of creating a smile. It quickly became a passion, and this combined with facial aesthetics means that I can expand my aesthetic eye to improve a smile as well as the rest of a face. The two fields marry very well together to provide two interlinked pathways through which to feel truly fulfilled.”

Thorough research

If you’re a dentist considering additional aesthetics training in order to enhance your portfolio and extend your patient offering to include cosmetic dentistry, it is vital you undertake thorough research to ensure you attend a reputable training academy.

The majority of reputable training academies will only accept qualified and practicing doctors, dentists, and nurses on to their courses and we advise prospective delegates to be wary of academies that don’t stipulate such restrictions. Remember, it is your responsibility as a dentist to ensure you work within your knowledge, skills, professional competence, and abilities. All practitioners are required to hold adequate indemnity insurance to protect both themselves and their patients.

Train with us

The Acquisition Aesthetics Advanced Course in Botox and Dermal Fillers allows you to acquire the knowledge and techniques behind key treatments that will specifically enhance your dental practice and treatment portfolio. You will also learn how to undertake a comprehensive collection of other popular aesthetics procedures such as mid and lower facial sculpting and contouring, profile balancing, and treatment for smokers’ lines.

All courses at Acquisition Aesthetics are carefully curated to provide delegates with robust theoretical study and comprehensive, anatomically-focused, hands-on practical training. We provide a very close degree of supervision to our delegates. This helps ensure you are ready to practice your newly-acquired skills upon graduation.

We endeavour to instil confidence and competence in each individual we train and provide life-long access to educational materials, mentoring, and support. Our academy is centred around the principles of excellence and professional development, and we are proud of the outstanding teaching of our team of industry leading trainers.

Reach out

Reach out to our friendly team on or call 020 3514 8757 to find out more about how we can fulfil your aesthetic training needs.



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