How To Succeed In Your Aesthetics Interview

When looking to kickstart your aesthetics career, it’s a good idea to get some experience by working in an established practice. By doing so you will get hands-on experience and the chance to refine your technique under the guidance of those that have a wealth of experience behind them. If you’ve been offered an interview for a position, it’s important you do all you can to secure the post. No matter how many interviews you have done in the past, they never get any less nerve-wracking which is why you want to be prepared. Ease the nerves and give yourself the best chance to succeed in your aesthetics interview with the following tips…

Be clear and confident in your answers

When a hiring manager is looking for their newest recruit, they will be after someone they can trust to deliver on the job. By displaying your confidence at your aesthetics interview through your body language and answers you will show that you’re more than capable of doing this. Look them in the eye when you speak, don’t slouch and speak clearly, confidently and at a controlled pace when responding to questions. 

Demonstrate your passion for the job

Working in aesthetics requires more than just a steady hand and knowledge of the industry. It demands experience and dedication and you need to be able to demonstrate your passion for the job at hand in order to get ahead. Tell them about past projects you have done, show if you follow relevant aesthetics pages on social media and tell them about any research or news articles you’ve read recently. It is important to demonstrate your knowledge of emerging technologies in the sector as it will support the practice you join in remaining current and cutting edge in an ever-evolving market. 

Do your research on the practice ahead of time

When being interviewed for a practice, you need to demonstrate why you would be the perfect addition to their team. Research the company prior to the interview and keep specific bits of information about them in mind. Try to recognise faces from their team page so you can match them up with names and make note of any awards or accolades they might have won. If they ask why you want to work for them, don’t have a generic answer prepared, instead tailor it to that specific business. This will demonstrate that you mean what you say and that you will go above and beyond in order to succeed – an attribute that any employer wants in their employees!

Connect with the interviewer and have questions prepared

By building a rapport with your interviewer you leave them with a positive impression of you and a greater connection. This can go in your favour if there are a number of interviews happening as it will make you more memorable among a sea of different faces. Try and ask questions to show interest in them personally, such as asking about their day and remembering their name. Ensure you also have at least a few questions to ask at the end of the interview about the role or the company itself. You could ask the interviewer what they like about working there, what the workplace culture is and what the format is of a typical day.

Have examples of your work

While speaking about your experience and expertise is all good, it’s also important that you can show this in person. Bring before and after photos (with patient consent) that showcase your skills as well as any testimonials you might have received. Instead of just telling them you can perform a certain procedure, tell them in detail about when you have done it in the past, anything you’ve learnt and how you’ve overcome certain challenges. Demonstrating competence in the management of complications or patient-related problems will be a compelling characteristic to any potential employer.

These are just a few of our top tips on how to succeed in your aesthetics interview. If you are looking to start your aesthetics career, get ahead of the game with one of our training courses. You can also see our available vacancies and how to join the team at Acquisition Aesthetics here. If you would like to find out more of what we have to offer then please do not hesitate to contact us on 0203 514 8757 or email 


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