Ins and Outs of Skin Specialist Courses

No matter if you have a passion for dermatology or are just an ambitious healthcare professional trying to build your empire, becoming a skin expert may be a satisfying career option for you. In either case, skin specialists—also referred to as dermatologists or aestheticians—are experts who focus on treating and caring for the skin usually on a medical-grade level, and there are many different courses you can take to become one!

Social media has recently helped increase awareness of how important it is to protect and take care of our skin. The truth is, the UK’s skincare sector alone was worth £3.1 billion in 2021, and is still expanding. Basic facials, body wraps, and scrubs from beauticians are still a fantastic way to preserve young, healthy skin, but other procedures require a far higher level of expertise and experience. Medical-grade procedures are getting more popular since they deliver excellent outcomes and are very beneficial in addressing more severe skin diseases and concerns. Chemical peels revitalise the skin and provide transformational results, as do moisturising fillers. Skin specialists that have had dermatology training in these areas are therefore highly sought after.

If you are interested in pursuing a career as a skin specialist, it is important to understand the extent of education and training required for this field. Therefore, if this sounds like something that could be beneficial to your career path continue reading to learn why this might be a course well suited to you!

What is included in a Skin Specialist Course?

Skin specialist training programmes can vary in length and scope, but generally include coursework in anatomy, physiology, and skin care techniques. Some programmes may also include clinical training, where delegates work with patients under the supervision of a licensed professional. This is a principal we push at Acquisitions Aesthetics as we feel that practicing on real patients is the best approach to reinforce learning. By combining the best aesthetic medicine teaching techniques with technologically advanced skin care products, our relationship with Alumier MD enables us to provide an unrivalled training programme in the art of skin rejuvenation. Medical-grade skincare products frequently include stronger ingredients, but these benefits last longer and are more outstanding, improving how our patients feel and look. In order to assist you as a clinician, give great skincare treatments and advice to succeed in the dermatological profession, we as a firm provide the resources and training needed.

After completing a skin specialist training program, it often involves passing an exam and completing a certain number of hours of supervised practice. However, The majority of you will already be credentialed healthcare professionals, so you are already uniquely suited to carry out these safe, high-quality cosmetic procedures.

How will this course benefit you as a healthcare professional?

Offering customers a variety of services including facials, chemical peels, and laser treatments are all within your power as a skin specialist. The treatment of certain skin problems including acne, eczema, rosacea, or hyperpigmentation may also be of some interest and most of what we teach during our ‘Advanced Skin Care’ course surrounds how to combat these particular skin problems. An additional benefit of embarking on a skin specialist course is that these procedures can be provided to a wide range of patients of all ages, but in order to deliver the finest care possible, it is critical to keep current on the most recent skincare methods and products. It is equally important to note that many patients who seek financially driven methods for their skin disorders typically have struggled with them for a long time, making their response to the results so much better. Specialist skin procedures can be a fantastic addition to your portfolio and a terrific way to diversify your patient base if you are presently working on your own or within an aesthetics clinic.

Are you ready to expand your empire and train with the best in the business?

The job outlook for skin specialists is positive, with the field projected to grow significantly in the coming years. This expansion is partly attributable to the rise in demand for skincare treatments stated above as well as a growing interest in minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. Overall, a career as a medical-grade skin specialist can be a fulfilling and lucrative choice for those interested in the field of dermatology. With the right education and training, individuals can provide valuable services to clients while building a successful career in the beauty and wellness industry. Whether you are just starting out in your career or are looking to make a change, becoming a skin specialist may be the right choice for you.

There are many courses out there on offer but having won the coveted “Independent Training Provider of the Year” award from the Aesthetics Awards in 2020 and 2021 consecutively, it would be a mistake not to mention our own advanced skin specialist training programme. Our course is designed to provide you with the expertise you need to offer chemical peeling and medical-grade skin treatments directly from your own business empire. Our award-winning courses are available to all healthcare professionals, and we have a number of sites in key cities around the UK and Ireland that we periodically rotate around in order to provide the most opportunities and convenience for our delegates. The director of our incredibly popular ‘Advanced Skin Course’ in medical grade skincare and chemical peeling is Dr. Bibi Ghalaie, a renowned cosmetic physician and medical director of British Aesthetics, having had over 12 years of expertise in the field with her own prestigious cosmetic clinic in London; your training experience and future will be shaped by working with this industry expert, an experience not to be missed.

“If you’re interested in finding out more about this exciting learning opportunity, you can visit our designated Advanced Course in Medical Grade Skincare and Chemical Peeling page here. If you’d like to speak to a member of the Acquisition Aesthetics team, you can reach us at 0203 514 8757 or by emailing”

About the Author

Dr. Bryony Elder

Aesthetic Trainer


Bryony is a practicing dentist and graduated from Leeds University in 2013. Following this she spent a year in Hull Royal Infirmary working with facial trauma, defects and facial surgery in the maxillofacial department. …


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