The Level 7 Diploma: How to Achieve a High Score in SAQs

The Level 7 Diploma in aesthetics medicine is widely regarded as the approved standard of education in dermal filler and Botox® training. Once you’ve committed to undertaking the Level 7 Diploma, you’ll likely want to think about how you intend to organise the training around your career and lifestyle commitment. Planning is key to the successful completion of the diploma, so it’s a good idea to set aside a certain amount of time each week to aid your progression.

Aside from the practical sessions, the theoretical elements are a fundamental aspect of the Level 7 Diploma in aesthetics, and the SAQ exam is a requirement that calls for a significant amount of time dedicated to independent study.

In this blog post, we’ll break down more about what exactly the SAQ training segment of the Level 7 Diploma entails, as well as some of our best tips and guidance for success.

Level 7 Diploma SAQs

Short answers questions (SAQs) consist of a series of brief questions intended to test your theoretical knowledge of clinical injectable procedures. Questions are completed in an “open book” form and follow a concise format for each question.

SAQs will mainly be focused on providing an evaluation of the extent to which the statements supplied in the question are valid. Use research and theories to support your assessment and provide evidence of your findings. As per the exam description, answers should be brief and to the point.

Tips for exam success

Find a study buddy

Starting a study group or finding an accountability buddy is one of the most effective ways to gain a deeper understanding of the course materials and prepare yourself for the exam. Not only will you have the opportunity to share your personal knowledge and insights, but you’ll also have the chance to share resources and efficient study techniques to help each other increase your productivity.

Another huge benefit of joining a study group is the boost of motivation that you’ll enjoy from being held accountable by others. By agreeing on set times for group revision each week and setting mutual goals to stick to, you’ll meet your goals more efficiently and have fun while you’re at it.

Keep study sessions short

Revising in short, frequent bursts rather than a prolonged period once a week can help increase your ability to retain information. An intensive study session that is pre-planned and capped with a time limit will motivate you to focus harder and reach your goals with minimal time wasted. Equally important, though, is ensuring that you commit to consistent short sessions in the weeks leading up to your SAQ exam. If you’re like most Level 7 delegates, you’ll likely have several other work and personal commitments besides the diploma, so effective time management is crucial for success.

Display important notes on your wall

Although the majority of the Level 7 aesthetics training is an online aesthetics course, it helps to place important visuals in frequently used areas around the house to help you more effectively retain the fundamental principles of the course. Attach sticky notes with boldly printed bullet points to the bathroom mirror or kitchen cupboards and give them a quick read as part of your daily routine — you may be surprised at the powerful effect this can have on your exam performance!

Use your practical experiences

No matter how much the aesthetics industry excites you, as with any theoretical examination, the process of absorbing resources and studying for the Level 7 aesthetic medicine exam can become tedious at times. By relating the theory elements of the course to your experience undertaking practical training and feedback from your trainers, you can retain information much more effectively. When answering mock questions during your study sessions, consider how each situation would affect you in a clinical environment and relate back to your supervised procedures to assist in finding the answers you need.

Avoid unnecessary stress

Last-minute cramming and little sleep the night before an important exam is a recipe for failure and should be avoided at all costs. While it’s great to do some revision and remind yourself of everything you’ve learned, a solid eight hours of sleep will be far more beneficial to you than staying up till the early hours of the morning and trying to force your brain to work overtime.

Equally important is prepping everything you need to ensure smooth sailing on the morning of your exam. Have an outfit set aside and ready to go, and pack a bag with everything you’ll need for the day ahead. Give yourself plenty of time in the morning to prepare a healthy breakfast that will help fuel your brain and give you the energy you need to complete the exam to the best of your ability.

Level 7 Diploma at Acquisition Aesthetics

At Acquisition Aesthetics, we’re proud to be a leading provider of the Level 7 Diploma in aesthetic medicine training. With an esteemed faculty of expert aestheticians and trainers and facilities in major cities throughout the UK and Ireland, there is truly no better place to train in aesthetics. If you’re interested in finding out more about available dates and locations, we’d love to hear from you. Give us a call on 0203 514 8757 or to speak to a friendly member of our team.


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